Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Why Warhammer?

My 11 year old son loves fantasy art and literature. I guess he gets that from me. When I was his age I wrote and illustrated my own books and comics. Most of it was gory horror stuff based on my love of Warren Magazines like Famous Monsters of Filmland, Creepy and Eerie. (Vampirilla, while I would leer at it sitting amongst the other titles, was a bit too risque for me to bring home at 11 or 12 years old.) I also collected little Trolls at the time and fantasized about miniature homes in miniature worlds tucked away in the woods behind the home I grew up in. I didn't think too much about who lived in these hidden realms, just that they were there and I found evidence of these places in the strange flora that grew there, plants that seemed to be not of this world.

Freshmen year in high school opened a whole new world for me. My English teacher introduced a couple of friends and me to Tolkien and backwoods survival studies. Outdoor Survival was already an interest of mine since third grade when my Father had given me a few books on the subject. My Teacher, Judith Kumm, rekindled that interest along with a new found passion for Fantasy Literature. While hobbies and interests have changed often over the course of the past 34 years, those 2 have remained constants. I guess it was inevitable that my Son would share these interests with me (as if he had a choice!).

Friday night is Warhammer Night at our house. I like spending this time with Ian painting minis, talking about developing our armies and planning the terrain we want to construct. We can also casually talk about school, friends and the things he wants to do, bonding in a way I thought we could through Scouting but can't because I have so many responsibilities to the group as Scoutmaster of a very young Troop.

My plan is to update this blog weekly with pictures documenting our progress painting armies and developing terrain and scenery. I'll include observations about the impact this hobby has on our relationship and family dynamics. I'd also like to include updates on other interests of mine and relate those interests to the game. For example, I enjoy listening to some Black Metal. In my mind it has a connection to Warhammer's Chaos Warriors, the army I'm planning to build. Fantasy Lit, Board Games, Canoeing, Hiking, Camping and a budding interest in the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Religion of Druidry will also be covered in future posts.

So, to Mrs Kumm where ever you are, Thank You for being the kooky, inspiring Teacher who sparked a life long passion that now fuels a hobby I share with my Son. And to the rest of you, Welcome to Warhammer and Son!

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